AmeriCorps Alumni Connections with Sam Hutchisson | VISTA

1.2  Million AmeriCorps Alumni STRONG!  We are a voice for national and community service.  We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other!  Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!

Today we talk with Sam Hutchisson  -

In this episode, Nicki interviews Sam Hutchisson, a VISTA alumnus who relocated to Iowa and served with the resettlement organization Welcome Corps. Sam shared his unconventional path to AmeriCorps, which he stumbled upon after his college graduation and the cancellation of his Peace Corps plans to serve in Colombia due to the pandemic. He expressed his interest in working with displaced people within America. 

Sam shared his experiences applying to service opportunities with AmeriCorps, as a means to enter the nonprofit sector, particularly in working with refugees. He emphasized the importance of small connections, such as sharing a common language, in building relationships with refugees. The discussion concluded with the recognition of the significance of seemingly small gestures, like sharing a few phrases of a language, in creating meaningful relationships with refugees. They also discussed their experiences working with refugees during the pandemic and the Afghan evacuation.  Shout out to slam poet’s name was Yabsire Tekle!  Sam shared his belief in the feasibility of a service-oriented career, emphasizing the importance of advocating for both the cause one cares about and oneself.  Big thank you to Stephanie Moris, Director of Refugee Alliance of Central Iowa! 

What do you foresee for us Alumni? What can we do!?
1.  Resource Sharing
2. Increase living allowance, to make opportunity more accessible to more folks. 

Alumni Connections
Shout out!
Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer Dan Metivier of Time or Money Production.  Thank you Dan! (p.s., he's an NCCC AmeriCorps Alumni) 
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AmeriCorps Alumni Connections with Sam Hutchisson | VISTA
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